When Do You Need Crutches?

There can be several situations where you will find reasons to use crutches.

Using the crutches will help you to keep stress off your injured limbs.

Also, Crutches will help you with mobility without losing balance.

Helping you perform your daily activities safely and adequately is the principal purpose of using crutches.

When Do You Need Crutches?

do i need crutches

When do I need crutches? Is an important question many people ask after facing a significant illness or accident.

Many syndromes, and diseases cause difficulties in walking and keeping balance.

If you feel that you can’t walk properly and you keep falling, causing injuries, that’s when you need crutches.

Crutches will ensure comfortable walking.

See also: Best Crutches of 2022.

What Injuries Require Crutches?

conditions that require crutches

Conditions that require crutches might be: Compartment syndrome, Metatarsalgia, Meralgia Paresthetica, Stress fracture, severe disease, IT band syndrome, Hyperextended knee, Patellar tendonitis, Labral tear, Chondromalacia patella, and Jumper’s knee.

Also might be Broken ankle, Extensor tendonitis, Pulled hamstring, Knee bursitis, Groin strain, Twisted ankle, Rolled ankle, MCL injury, Knee tendonitis, Runner’s knee, Quadriceps tendonitis, Torn calf muscle, and Torn ligament in the knee.

We advise that you consult your doctor or primary healthcare provider and seek the appropriate advice and supervision before use.

Below some other common conditions are explained:

Hip Injury

If there is a Hip-related injury, doctors may recommend using crutches to relieve stress from your hip.

Hip injuries might take a more extended period if you don’t take proper care of the injured body part.

So, when you find yourself having tremendous pain and difficulty in movement, you need crutches then.

Sciatica Pain

It is an illness caused by inflammation of nerves in the lower back.

When this illness occurs, walking is an efficient approach that doctors recommend.

During this illness, you can feel benefits by using crutches.

If the pain is overbearing and movement is challenging, crutches will provide safe and balanced direction.

Sprained Knee Pain

Knee pain is tough to tolerate.

When you have knee injuries, walking might prove very difficult for you.

Resting the affected ligaments in your limb and knee muscles is the best solution for improving recovery efficiency.

Concerning the above solution, doctors may recommend the patients use crutches.

Crutches will help to keep the stress off the knee, ultimately giving it time to heal correctly.

ACL Injury

When you face serious ACL injuries, you will find that comfortable walking isn’t possible.

Furthermore, you might fall and hurt yourself.

In these situations, you have to take complete rest and give the injured limbs and ligaments proper time to heal.

You will feel the need for crutches when you want to move around.

Torn Meniscus

Walking with torn meniscus injury might lead to severe problems like arthritis.

That is why if you face yourself with a meniscus tear injury, then you must think about using crutches.

Doctors recommend the patients about using crutches for moving around until the pain and swelling subsides.

Crutches might be necessary for about 2-7 days after the surgery.

Calf Strain

If your calf strain injury is severe to the extent that you start to limp, that’s when you know the time for using crutches.

You can use assistive devices like crutches to keep stress off your calf injury and help with movement until you can work without those.

Sprained Leg

Severe sprained leg injuries are excruciating and cause severe difficulties in walking.

You might not be able to walk with this painful injury.

If you can’t walk properly keeping proper balance and also, if you want to provide the necessary time for recovery of the injured limb, then crutches are the best solution.

Doctors always recommend using crutches in those situations.

Shin Splints

If you run a lot, you might develop shin splints, which can further develop into stress fractures.

Stress fractures mean there are cracks in the bone.

If you feel that you are facing too much pain, you should go to the doctor for a checkup.

For providing proper time for the bones to heal, doctors usually recommend using crutches.

Sprained Foot

A sprained foot is an obstacle to moving.

You won’t be able to put weight on your sprained foot.

Walking with a sprained foot will increase the pain and cause injuries.

If this situation arises, that’s when you know you may need to use crutches.

Crutches can help you with walking without pain until your injury recovers fully.

Torn Ligament in Foot

Torn ligaments might develop into large tears in the ligaments of your foot that might take a long time to heal.

These moderately severe sprains usually require a splint or cast and can take 8 weeks to heal.

Your physician may prescribe you use crutches for alleviating pain while your foot takes the proper time to heal.

Sprained Ankle

If you have sprained your ankle, you can’t walk properly without losing balance and getting injured.

All ankle sprain injuries need time and proper rest.

Facing this situation, you will realize the necessity of using crutches.

Crutches will ensure that the injured ankle is not stressed and also ensure comfortable movement.

Plantar Fasciitis

If you have a severe injury of plantar fasciitis, you won’t be able to use and stress your injured foot.

When that happens, you should consult with a doctor as soon as possible.

The doctor will recommend you use crutches to put stress off the injured foot and for proper movement.

Broken Toe

Broken toes might require about 6 weeks for proper healing.

At this time, you won’t be able to put weight on the injured toes and so walking will be very problematic.

So, when this happens, you will know that the use of crutches is needed.

Gout Causes

Gout is a form of arthritis that generally happens to the big toe joint and also affects the knees and ankles.

If you have gout in your foot or leg, you should raise the painful joint higher when sitting or lying down.

If you have a severe gout injury, you should use crutches to stop putting stress on the affected joint for the first few days.

Lower Back Pain

When you are facing walking difficulties and pain due to lower back pain, you should consult the doctor soon.

If the problem is severe, you will feel the urgent need for assistive devices like crutches to reduce stress on the lower back of your body and also for helping with movement.

Crutches will be helpful to the patients for getting proper healing time.

Can Doctors Prescribe Crutches?

can doctors prescribe crutches

Yes, but it depends!

Doctors definitely can prescribe you crutches depending on your physical strength and health condition.

After getting surgery or facing an accident, the hospital will provide set crutches after evaluating the health and physical condition of the patient.

So, if you confront any of the problems mentioned earlier or others, consulting the doctor is the first and foremost step.


Crutches are beneficial to so many peoples worldwide as they help people move comfortably without losing balance and getting injured.

So, whenever you face the mentioned problems above, consult a doctor immediately.

So, hopefully, above we can provide you with a detailed but concise answer to the question of when you need crutches.